The process of Sacred Conversations encourages you to gently reflect on cornerstone questions, such as "what is the purpose of my life?" or "what is this time calling me to do?"
These are questions that are probably always with us, but ones that are easy to put aside until “the time is right” – a time that may never come.
The intent of Sacred Conversations is to encourage you to actualize your true purpose - not as defined by parents, schools or other influencers -- but as defined by you. A secondary purpose is to help you explore how your personal purpose aligns or supports the needs of our changing earth.
These are called Sacred Conversations because in contrast to ordinary ones, they involve both deep listening and an opportunity for both self-reflection and group learning. They’re designed to be igniters or launching pads to new ways of looking at things.
"These conversations augment(ed) and clarified my soul’s necessary work during this pivotal time for all of us. New insights are still being woven from the threads of my first group sharing,” wrote previous participant Tracy H, after experiencing the process.
Said a therapist: "I'm someone who's mostly focused on business, and I wanted clarity on what projects to pursue. This sacred space took me into a completely different yet welcomed direction. Having a space to pause allowed me to have insights about what's actually important."
And an artist: “Sacred conversations provided a safe space to deeply connect with others and with myself. To reflect on my purpose and my higher self. I think those conversations are essential to build real connection and community and essential to truly understand ourselves and each other. They foster non-judgement, true listening and healing.”
Sacred Conversations utilizes Dialogue Circles technology, which founder Angelo John Lewis has been facilitating for more than 20 years. Groups he’s worked with have used this process for visioning, creative problem-solving. strategic planning and a wide range of other purposes.
Each conversation will consist of no more than six people, including the facilitator and will take place during one of six times, from March 25 through April 5 (All times are Eastern Standard).
Please note that some conversations are designed for special audiences, such as teachers and activists. Most are designed for anyone. Check the times, the biographies of the facilitators, and the audiences they serve.