Travel, Religion and Spirituality

February 7, 2018

Psychotherapist, author and world traveler Greesh Sharma talks about the transformative aspects of travel; how to trek without being a tourist; and how religion influences national culture. He shares stories from his visits to some 150 countries that illustrate the diversity of human experience, how religious practice differs from place to place, and how spending time abroad has expanded his sense of self. 

Sharma sees travel as a form of spiritual practice and one that paradoxically provides a vehicle for inner exploration. It’s helped him become more open to others, sharpened his decision making skills, and generally broadened his view as to what it means to be human.

He experience of traveling to countries with and without national religions had shaped his opinions on the differences between religions, the relationship between religion and spirituality, and the roots of interfaith conflict.

“Travel to me is so transformative that I think even before people pay lots of money to pay a a psychologist for therapy, I think they should travel,” Sharma says. “They will grow much faster and it will be much cheaper.” 


Greesh Sharma’s Website

Sharma’s Amazon author page

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