November 16th
Talking about Death:
the Ultimate Transition
with Mark Power
8 am PT
11 am ET
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Talking about the ultimate transition is a way of releasing some of its power over us. It can help us reveal many of its surprises, such as the power of shared experience in the midst of grief, beauty in the form of faith, and clarity in the recognition that none of us will escape this transition, and none of us knows when it will call.
For most of us, talking about death also means talking about its aftermath, and the experience of loss and grief. If it’s someone we love, it’s as though the fabric of our life is rent and torn by the loss of our beloved. Although it’s painfully difficult to give words to how we feel, doing so in community can bring relief, a sense of shared reality, and sometimes hope. Death and bereavement are messy journeys. They are inconvenient and painful. And, they are inextricably human.
Mark Power is uniquely qualified to be our guide for our monthly online community exploration. Prior to becoming a personal and executive coach, he spent twenty years as a chaplain in hospice and palliative care. “When we gather, I’ll guide a conversation about life and death and loss. I’ll offer some experiential perspective from my years of work as a chaplain in hospice and palliative care, and some reflection to provide an experiential component to our time together.,” Power said.
“In my training to become a chaplain I found that the most difficult need to address was the need for forgiveness – particularly self-forgiveness,” Power said.
How to Participate:
- Preregister: Send us a blank email for priority access OR
- Show up "at the door": It takes place on the Zoom platform. Follow the instructions below: