Generation after generation, our inherited emotional and behavioral imprints keep showing up in our lives. Unknowingly, we may carry forth our ancestors unresolved issues. This information is encoded in our energy fields, DNA, and cellular memories, and has an affect on our health and well being; mentally, emotionally, and physically.
During this session, we'll explore and experience systematic constellations, a powerful means of integrating and healing unresolved trauma in our personal, family or professional lives. Because of our shared humanity when one person “works” by being the focus of a constellation everyone else in the room or online also works and has the opportunity gain new insights. All that is required is to bring one’s “beginners mind” which is open and free preconceptions or agenda.
"You may have noticed how certain patterns or issues in life keep showing up despite your best efforts to live a different reality," says host and facilitator Harrison Snow.
"From a systemic perspective these issues are not 'the problem' that causes us stress and suffering, but simply the symptom of something hidden from the view of our conceptual mind. If the actual cause or original story can be brought to consciousness and addressed the symptoms take care of themselves."
About the Facilitator
Harrison Snow is the Director of Change Dynamics International, and has been helping government, corporate and non-profit clients in 28 different countries manage change, develop leaders and enhance organizational performance. He is the author of four well-regarded books on team building, facilitation and leadership. His most recent book is Confessions of a Corporate Shaman, Healing the Organizational Soul.
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