March 21
Rituals for Resilience
with Katherine Newell
8 am PT
11 am ET
or check your timezone
I don't know about you, but I'm feeling a little freaked out.
Masked faces in airports, shopping malls nearly deserted, sporting events played without fans -- all are signs of what feels to me like a shocking, hopefully temporary, new normal.
With this as background, I was delighted to discover that a colleague of mine, Katherine Newell, was offering an online program called Rituals of Resilience, that seems like a kind of balm for this challenging moment we're living in.
As I know Katherine and her work, I reached out to her yesterday and asked if she'd share her program with us this Saturday at 11 am ET (check your timezone here), as the central part of our monthly Online Community Exploration. I'm pleased to report that she instantly agreed.
Here's how Katherine describes the program, details on how to participate and optional things to bring.
Discover antidotes for anxiety! Learn tangible, accessible resources for sustainability and mental health. Clear your fear of the coronavirus by using simple, sacred rituals to sustain and empower yourself in the midst of a pandemic, or any personal crisis. This trauma-informed, brave space is an opportunity to transform your relationship with spiritual practices and access greater clarity and accessibility with when/how/what to use ritual for.
Should you join us, Katherine requests that you bring the following things (these are not required, but will enhance your experience)
Here's how to participate:
Masked faces in airports, shopping malls nearly deserted, sporting events played without fans -- all are signs of what feels to me like a shocking, hopefully temporary, new normal.
With this as background, I was delighted to discover that a colleague of mine, Katherine Newell, was offering an online program called Rituals of Resilience, that seems like a kind of balm for this challenging moment we're living in.
As I know Katherine and her work, I reached out to her yesterday and asked if she'd share her program with us this Saturday at 11 am ET (check your timezone here), as the central part of our monthly Online Community Exploration. I'm pleased to report that she instantly agreed.
Here's how Katherine describes the program, details on how to participate and optional things to bring.
Discover antidotes for anxiety! Learn tangible, accessible resources for sustainability and mental health. Clear your fear of the coronavirus by using simple, sacred rituals to sustain and empower yourself in the midst of a pandemic, or any personal crisis. This trauma-informed, brave space is an opportunity to transform your relationship with spiritual practices and access greater clarity and accessibility with when/how/what to use ritual for.
Should you join us, Katherine requests that you bring the following things (these are not required, but will enhance your experience)
- pen/paper
- dirt, a plant, or fruit/veggie of some kind
- water (preferably in a bowl)
- candle and lighter
- pen/paper.
Here's how to participate:
- Preregister (preferred!): Send us a blank email for priority access OR
- Show up "at the door" at the time of the session,using this link: or
- Or iPhone one-tap :
US: +16699006833,,293138919# or +16465588656,,293138919#
Or Telephone:
Dial (for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 669 900 6833 or +1 646 558 8656
Meeting ID: 293 138 919
International numbers available: