Religion in an Increasingly Secular World

March 26, 2019

What does society lose when religion no longer is a safe topic for discussion in public spaces? How has the role of religion changed in parts of the world that are increasingly secular? What are the unexpected consequences of laws designed to prevent discrimination based on religious preferences?

These questions are explored by Coreene Archer and Mark Argent, two UK-based organizational development consultants with deep roots in faith traditions. Although they both understand why governments feel compelled to pass religious nondiscriminatory laws, they believe such laws have unexpected consequences.

“Faith for me and lots of people is a core value,” says Archer, Principal Leadership Coach and Organisational Development Consultant at the Tavistock Institute for Human Relations. “To have to have a work face and a private face is a bit of a shame. It damages all of us if we’re hidden and can’t speak to who and what we are.”

“Carl Jung came up with the very useful idea that progress in the West has come about at the expense of our ability to feel,” says Argent, a spiritual director, organization development consultant, and Elder in the UK’s United Reformed Church. “If you compare the West with bits of the world that are often described as underdeveloped, you see something very rich going on (in these less developed countries) that we’ve sort of lost sight of. There’s a price we’re paying for our technological progress.”

In this podcast, Archer and Argent talk about their faith traditions, challenges of working both in secular and faith organizations, and their sense as how religion plays out in the public sphere.


  • Mark Argent’s site
  • Coreene Archer at the Tavistock Institute
  • “Religion: Hard to Talk About” event
  • Diversity and Spirituality Network’s site
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