I asked Sushma Sharma if there's anything her Indian cultural can teach us about "going with the flow."
Sharma, the Mumbai-based founder of Resonate Consulting, will facilitate our Saturday online exploration, Dancing with Flow.Indians, she said, have one principle advantage over Westerners when it comes to embodying this state of flexible resilience.
Until very recently, most Indians lived in joint or extended family arrangements, with many generations living together in the same household.
"In a joint family system, it's really the flow of life," she explained. "So many people come in as guests without informing (anyone). No one will ask, 'how asked you to come?' There's this generosity to share whatever's available."
After Sharma broached the idea of leading an exploration on accessing flow states, I immediately saw its relevance for navigating these tricky times. Here in the US, and I suspect elsewhere, we've had months of one-thing-after-another and the challenge of living with uncertainty.
"Dancing with the flow is becoming one with it. Making it a partner and engaging in a union with it such that you flow too," Sharma says.
"Dancing with the flow is all about an unconditional embrace of uncertainty, a surrender to emergence and a commitment to having fun."
Sharma has 27 years of intense and expansive work in the field of Organization Development. She's been a coach to hundreds of CEOs and business leaders and has touched lives and diverse organizations in US, Canada, the UK, India and Asia-Pacific. She is past president of the Indian Society for Applied Behavioral Sciences, and a former Board Member of NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science.
The Dancing with Flow exploration takes place this Saturday, from 11am-12:30 (check your time zone here)..
I hope to see you there.
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